Our Activities
The profession of educator
Discover the profession of educator at KidsCare, the training required, its main qualities and its daily missions.
The job of manager
Discover the profession of daycare manager in Luxembourg, its missions, its training and its professional prospects
The job of assistant manager
Discover the profession of assistant manager of a crèche in Luxembourg, its missions, its training and its professional prospects
The profession and missions of a nursery nurse
Discover the profession of nursery nurse KidsCare, training, skills and missions with children, teams and families.
Read also:
- How to apply for several positions in our crèches?
- The profession of early childhood educator (EJE)
- The EJE competition
- Professions and diplomas for working in a nursery
- What training to work in the Early Childhood sector?
- What salary can you expect when working in a daycare center in Luxembourg?
- What are the missions of an Early Childhood educator?
- What skills should you highlight as an EJE on your CV?
- Career developments: what to do after working as an EJE?
- Where can an EJE work?
- The job of nursery assistant
- What is the salary of a nursery assistant?
- What are the skills to work in a nursery?
- What is the salary of a nursery nurse?
- What is the training to become an EJE?
- What are the EJE training organizations?
- Missions, role and objective of the specialist nursery educator?
- Everything you need to know about Validation of acquired experience (VAE)
- Complete an internship or a work-study program at KidsCare
- Approved Training Center
- Accompany your children on a daily basis
- Apply for a job offer at Babilou Family Luxembourg
- Discover our job offers