The unique advantages of our KidsCare network of crèches and after school clubs


The unique advantages of our network of nurseries and after school clubs

Our network of crèches and after school clubs KidsCare is unique.
We offer quality services and support to make our childcare facilities the best relay for family life.

The Kidizz for a better family-reception structure link

KidsCare offers families the application Kidizz. It is simple and free for all the parents of the children welcomed in our structures.
Our early childhood professionals share photos and videos daily. Parents can thus know the key moments of their child's day. This tool is also a way for our teams to publicize their work and the activities carried out each day.
The application allows additional communication between parents and our educational teams.
It is secure and can only be consulted by the parents of the same reception structure. Your children are only photographed and filmed with your permission, in accordance with image rights.

Le Babilous Buses for safe journeys

Have you ever come across our pretty blue bus Babilou Family?
Our bus is available to our reception facilities to transport your children in complete safety. It is fun and cutting edge technology. Transport has never been so popular with children!
Le Babilou Bus covers journeys between schools and after school clubs for children aged 4 to 12 who attend school. It also transports the little ones for occasional outings to different places of discovery.
From September, the Bus Babilou Family will serve a new stop at Vauban, the French school and high school in Luxembourg.

The Aktiv'Bus

THEAktiv’bus is an itinerant concept of loans of books, games and toys, but also of various cultural projects. We already have 4 workshops whose goal is to open children to different artistic fields.
Our first workshop specializes in photo and video creative hobbies. He offers a photo session. Children will be able to develop all their creativity here!
The second is devoted to the 7th art. The children will discover the cinema, reports (especially on the castles of Luxembourg) and cultural programs (“a minute at the museum”).
Our 3rd workshop is dedicated to books. Fairy tales, comic books, 3D books... enough to give your children a taste for reading!
Finally, the last is devoted to music. It is full of instruments ready to be discovered by the little ones.

The development of the approach Snoezelen

Nurseries and after school clubs KidsCare are developing a new approach called Snoezelen. This approach is based on relaxation, sensory exploration and relationships.
The child has access to a zen space, a kind of refuge, in which he can explore freely with his senses. There is no constraint, no judgement, apart from respect for others and the material. The presence of an adult secures him and accompanies him in his explorations.
The 5 senses are put to use, to find a state of well-being and teach children to regulate their agitation.
The approach Snoezelen is also a good time for the relationship between the child and the adult. The child listens to himself, and the professional can thus observe him with hindsight.
Snoezelen is a strong educational tool in our structures!


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