Hygiene in nursery: KidsCare, guarantor of the health of young children


All parents are concerned about the health and well-being of their children. When they have to entrust their children to childcare, they need to know that their little ones are in good hands. When choosing the host establishment, hygiene is one of the major concerns that cross their minds. Young children are particularly vulnerable to infections and illnesses. What’s more, children in daycare are in community all day; a disease could then easily spread. This is why preventing and teaching children about hygiene is essential.

The network of nurserys and day centers KidsCare makes it a point of honor to guarantee an impeccably clean environment to ensure the health and safety of young children.

Hygiene in nurseries: an absolute priority for structures KidsCare

Carefully cleaned structures

KidsCare is firmly committed to maintaining an exemplary level of hygiene in all its nurseries. The premises are regularly cleaned with care, using high quality cleaning techniques and products, and above all, respectful of the child and the environment. Surfaces, playrooms, dining areas and toilets are given careful attention, ensuring a clean and safe environment for little ones.

Whether diapers, care products or maintenance products, we exclusively use products that respect fragile skin and come from eco-labeled brands.

A team of trained and qualified professionals

The team of KidsCare is made up of Early Childhood professionals who understand the importance of hygiene. The teaching team is very different from the technical team, which takes care of the proper maintenance of the structures. However, all professionals KidsCare are trained in interview techniques specific to the environment of young children and constantly ensure high standards are maintained. Nursery nurses, educators of young children, childcare assistants, maintenance workers, managers, each member of the staff of all of our structures is aware of the importance of their role in guaranteeing a clean environment. and healthy.

Personal hygiene: a habit encouraged from an early age

Alongside the work done by parents at home, KidsCare also encourages personal hygiene in very young children.

Hands are one of the main vectors for transmitting infections. Children are then encouraged to wash their hands regularly with soap and water to reduce the risk of infection. This habit is taught from a young age, thus contributing to their hygiene education.

Whether it is washing their hands, brushing their teeth or cleaning up after going to the toilet, our educators will support your children in their learning at their own pace and with respect for themselves.

Instilling simple actions of this type, from an early age, is essential for the good and health of all.

The air we breathe

Hygiene is not limited to surfaces and hands. KidsCare pays particular attention to air quality in its establishments. Proper ventilation techniques are used to maintain a healthy environment and ensure that the air children breathe is pure and free of contaminants.

Compliance with health standards

KidsCare spares no effort to scrupulously respect all health standards in force. The sanitary facilities, like every room in our structures, are regularly maintained and disinfected, which helps reduce the risk of spreading diseases. Toys and equipment are also cleaned and disinfected on a regular basis to keep children safe.

Regarding bottles, pacifiers and other similar items that children put in their mouths, our teams ensure their hygiene and impeccable cleanliness. In addition to washing their hands very regularly throughout the day, our educators scrupulously follow the disinfection and equipment cleaning protocol.

KidsCare, respecting strict hygiene standards, guarantees a clean and safe environment for your children. The health and safety of young children is at the heart of our mission, and we work dedicatedly to provide the best possible quality of life for those who matter most to you. We understand that parents' trust is essential and that is why we do everything we can to meet their hygiene expectations.

By choosing KidsCare, parents can be assured that their children are growing up in nurserys and day centers where hygiene is an absolute priority. KidsCare, with its professional team, careful facilities and commitment to the health of young children, is a top option for parents concerned about the cleanliness and safety of their little ones.

If you are looking for a nursery in Luxembourg, find the ideal structure at KidsCare. Want to discover our spaces? Come to the nursery open days KidsCare.

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