Company nurserys: an ideal childcare solution for employee-parents


The company nursery is a type of childcare that meets the needs of young working parents. These childcare facilities help facilitate work-life balance. What is the difference between a company nursery and other types of nurserys? How does it work? What are the steps to take to obtain a place? Find out everything you need to know about company nurserys with KidsCare.

What is a company nursery?

Company nurserys are private nurserys; these are childcare structures set up and financed by employers for the benefit of their employees. They are therefore identical to municipal nurserys, apart from the fact that it is the employer who pays the part covered by the municipality in the case of a public nursery.

Company nurserys are designed to accommodate the children of company employees, aged 2 months to 4 years, during their working hours. These structures guarantee a quality environment for little ones and are managed by teams of qualified and caring professionals, which allows parents to concentrate on their work with complete peace of mind.

Did you know ? The company nursery is a structure dedicated to a single company while an inter-company nursery is dedicated to several companies. However, their operation remains the same.

How does a company nursery work?

The operation of company nurserys is similar to that of other nurserys:

  • A qualified teaching team: Early Childhood professionals - educators, childcare assistants, nurses - ensure the development and awakening of children. 
  • Establishing an educational project: they offer an educational project adapted to the age of the children, promoting their daily development.
  • A suitable environment: these nurserys offer a space in which children can develop in complete safety and at their own pace.

What are the steps to reserve a place in a nursery? KidsCare ?

The steps to reserve a place in one of our nurserys are simple:

  • Select the accommodation establishments that match your needs and expectations. You can select up to five.
  • Complete your pre-registration online for all the structures that interest you.
  • After providing all the necessary information, simply wait for a response from our teams.
  • Once you receive a positive response, all you have to do is complete the final administrative procedures to register your child.

It is important to note that the demand for nursery places may be high and the number of available cribs lower than this demand. It is therefore recommended to book early to reserve a place.

What are the advantages of nurseries Kidscare ?

Our private nurseries offer many advantages, both to parents and children:

  • Childcare made simple: parents can concentrate on their work with the assurance that their children are well taken care of, in a secure and caring environment.
  • A work-life balance: they promote a better balance between professional and family responsibilities.
  • Hours suited to the whole family: our nurserys offer great flexibility to parents and adapt to the schedule of employee-parents.
  • An ideal geographic location: get a place in a daycare center near your home or workplace.
  • A unique educational project: continually trained in the approaches Montessori et Pikler, our teams of professionals offer activities adapted to each child, as well as multilingual teaching.
  • Outdoor spaces: all our structures have private gardens in which your children can practice outdoor activities - gardening, vegetable gardening - and spend time freely under the supervision of our teams.

How much does a place in a private daycare cost?

The cost of a place in a company nursery is the same as in a municipal nursery. Prices are determined based on family situation and household income. Concerning potential financial aid, you should know that nurserys and day centers KidsCare are eligible for the reception service check, thus allowing parents to reduce their childcare costs. To find out the criteria allowing you to benefit from the CSA, read our article on the subject.

To remember

  • The company nursery - or private nursery - is an excellent childcare solution for young working parents, allowing them to better reconcile their parental and professional responsibilities.
  • The company nursery operates in the same way as a municipal nursery. 
  • These structures have many advantages and guarantee a quality environment for toddlers, while offering significant advantages to parents.

Are you looking for a place in nursery in Luxembourg ? Discover the different structures KidsCare and find the best nursery or day home for your child. We also organize open days for some of our nurseries.


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