The educational project: why is it essential in Early Childhood?


In the world of Early Childhood, the term “educational project” often comes up. What exactly does this mean? Why is the educational project so crucial in nurseries and establishments that care for our little ones? In this article, we will delve into the concept of the educational project, explore its role in children's development and understand why it is at the heart of the educational mission of child care establishments.

What is an educational project?

An educational project is a document that defines the philosophy, educational objectives and educational practices of a structure. In the context of nurseries and Early Childhood establishments, this is a specific educational action plan which guides work with children and families. It serves as a road map for educational staff by specifying the activities, methods and resources that will be used to promote children's development.

Why is establishing an educational project important?

An educational project is essential in nurseries and establishments welcoming young children for several reasons:

  • Ensuring optimal educational development: the first years of a child's life are crucial for their development and awareness. A well-designed educational project ensures that activities, games and interactions are appropriate to the age and individual needs of each child.
  • Promote autonomy and active learning: a well-structured educational project encourages children's autonomy by allowing them to discover and learn through play and exploration. This stimulates their curiosity and builds their self-confidence.
  • Respect the child's pace: each child has a unique pace of development. The educational project takes these individual differences into account and offers a flexible learning environment.
  • Involve parents: families are the first educators of their children. The educational project allows parents to understand the educational approach of the nursery and to collaborate actively.

The advantages of a solid educational project

A well-developed educational project offers many advantages to children, parents and educational staff:

  • Optimal development of children: by aligning with educational needs and objectives, a quality educational project maximizes the development potential of children.
  • Emotional safety: children feel safe and confident in an environment where activities and interactions are predictable and appropriate.
  • Transparent communication: parents are informed and involved in their children's education, which strengthens collaboration between the nursery and families.
  • Staff satisfaction: Early Childhood professionals are better equipped to support children's development when they have a clear framework and solid educational objectives.
  • Continuous improvement: the educational project evolves over time according to the changing needs of children, families but also new developments in the field of Early Childhood, which allows for continuous improvement in the quality of service in the nursery.

The educational project of KidsCare

Within our network of nurserys and private day centers, we advocate a unique and caring pedagogy, drawing inspiration from various educational approaches: pedagogy Montessori and the approach Pikler. Our main values ​​are kindness and respect towards each individual; children therefore have free time to discover and experiment as they wish.

We also offer multilingual education - French, English, Luxembourgish - within our structures. Children can become familiar with each language naturally, at their own pace and without any pressure. There is no evaluation; each child can progress peacefully during their various daily activities.

The great outdoors being essential for the good brain and motor development of children, each of our structures benefits from a private garden. Children can then run, exercise and climb in complete safety! Our teams are there to guide the children, without hindering their freedom of movement.

Our outdoor spaces are also an opportunity for children to carry out manual activities such as gardening and creating a vegetable garden. This allows children: 

  • to learn about fruits and vegetables,
  • to learn to recognize the seasons,
  • to respect nature.
  • To remember

  • The educational project is an essential pillar of the educational mission of nurseries and Early Childhood establishments. 
  • It guarantees that children receive quality care, activities adapted to their development and an environment conducive to their development.
  • For parents, it offers a clear understanding of the nursery's educational approach and facilitates collaboration. 
  • For educational staff, it provides a solid framework to guide their actions and promote the optimal development of toddlers. 

A well-designed educational project is the key to ensuring a solid start in life for our children!

If you are looking for a place in nursery in Luxembourg, discover the different structures KidsCare and find the best nursery or day home for your child.

Also discover the open days of nurseries KidsCare.


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