Career developments: what to do after working as an educator of young children?


The profession of educator of young children (ECE) is a noble and rewarding profession which consists of supporting the development of little ones in Early Childhood care structures, such as nurserys or day centers for example. However, many professionals in this field often wonder about their career progression once they have gained some experience and reached a good level of skills.

In this article, we will explore the different possibilities available to EJEs to broaden their professional horizons, the training necessary to achieve this, as well as possible career developments.

Training and career development

Become a manager

After working as an educator for a while, many professionals want to learn new skills, take on greater responsibilities and change their professional life. For this, various training courses are available to help them progress in their career.

One of the first options for ECEs wishing to progress to a new position is to obtain a management diploma to become a manager of an early childhood care structure. This diploma allows access to management positions within nurseries or other similar establishments.

To achieve this, it is necessary to follow specific training that addresses management, leadership and human resources management skills. In this way, you will be able to manage a team of childcare assistants, nursery assistants, nurses and educators. This training can be accessible to EJEs holding a bac+3 degree and already having significant experience in the field of Early Childhood.

The role of manager encompasses several responsibilities:

  • team management,
  • planning activities, 
  • communication with parents,
  • supervising all of the structure's activities.

Work in the social sector

Other EJEs choose to enter social professions. This option makes it possible to work closely with families who need additional support to raise their children, and to set up suitable support projects.

They can move towards the professions of family mediator, specialized technical educator, or even social and family economics advisor.

Become a trainer

Some EJEs decide to go into teaching or training. For example, they can become trainers in specialized schools for future educators of young children. This transition allows them to pass on their experience and knowledge to the new generation of Early Childhood professionals.

Access the profession of psychologist

An EJE can also turn to psychology studies. With his educator diploma (DEEJE), he can access directly the 2nd year of a bachelor's degree in psychology, and then enter the master's degree. An ECE can specialize by following specific training, such as toddler psychology or family problem solving.

The skills needed to advance in your career

To succeed in the aforementioned career paths, ECEs must acquire certain essential skills. Obviously, it depends on the path you want to take. For example, if you are interested in becoming a manager of a structure, knowing how to manage a team, being organized and having a sense of responsibility is crucial. It is important to know how to motivate and supervise a team while maintaining a positive work environment.

Whether you choose to pursue careers in social work, teaching or psychology, being a good communicator, with great listening skills and empathy are essential skills to possess. You must be able to establish trusting relationships with families, children or your students.

Knowing how to evolve in a constantly changing world

It is important to note that the field of Early Childhood is constantly evolving. Educators must therefore be prepared to undertake additional training throughout their careers to stay up to date on the latest trends and best practices. This desire for continuous learning is a skill in itself and can open up new professional opportunities.

The EJE profession is rich in career development opportunities for those who wish to go further. Specific training is available to help ECEs acquire the skills necessary to access management positions, specialize in particular areas or teach future Early Childhood professionals.


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